Winterize Your Sprinkler System in Logan, UT
Greenscapes Provides Sprinkler Winterizations and Blow Outs
When temperatures begin to fall and sun-soaked afternoons morph into snowy days, rely on the professionals at Greenscapes to winterize your sprinkler system in Logan, UT. Sprinkler systems are critical when you want to keep your yard lush, vibrant, and beautiful during the spring and summer months. But when the season changes and freezing weather is in the forecast, you will need sprinkler winterization services to protect your system from the elements. If you do not take proper precautions ahead of the winter’s first freeze, your sprinkler system is vulnerable to damage as a result of cracked or burst pipes. Contact Greenscapes to learn more about when, how, and why you should winterize your sprinkler system.

Reasons for Winterizing Your Sprinkler System
It is easy to overlook sprinkler system maintenance at the end of a fruitful summer. But ignore sprinkler system winterization at your own peril. When the outside air in Logan, UT dips below the freezing point, water within your system’s pipes or sprinkler heads can freeze. As a result, the pipes and heads can expand and ultimately burst, causing significant damage that may be costly to repair. To avoid such a disaster, it is important to winterize your sprinkler system. By removing any remaining water, Greenscapes can ensure your pipes, sprinkler heads, and manifolds are preserved throughout the winter and will be ready for spring when comfortable weather returns.
When to Winterize Your Sprinkler System in Logan, UT
Start preparing for winter as soon as summer begins to draw to a close. Do not let freezing temperatures sneak up on you and jeopardize your entire sprinkler system. Call Greenscapes to schedule an appointment to winterize your sprinkler system as soon as the temperature starts to fall. We will arrange a time to drain or blow out your sprinkler system using an air compressor before the fall or winter’s first hard freeze. When the outdoor air dips below the freezing point, some of your sprinkler system’s most critical components are prone to damage. We recommend winterizing your sprinkler system at least a full week before the first freeze is forecast.
How to Winterize Your Sprinkler System
Enlist the assistance of our professionals at Greenscapes to help you winterize your sprinkler system in Logan, UT. To begin the process, we will turn off the water supply to your irrigation system. We will also insulate all above-ground sprinkler system piping. If you do not have a main shut-off valve, we recommend investing in one to avoid an inevitable sprinkler system repair. Our team can help with sprinkler design upgrades and installations. We will also turn off the automatic irrigation system for the winter and remove connected wires to avoid the possibility of its activation. Because of the frigid temperatures during a Cache Valley winter, we will need to drain your pipes of all water. This can be done using drain valves and by incorporating air blow-out methods. Even if your sprinkler system has an automatic drain valve, you will need to blow out the system. Automatic valves will not completely drain the water in your lawn sprinkler system, meaning its pipes could still freeze and cause damage. Do not take your chances. Take advantage of Greenscapes’ blow-out services.
Sprinkler System Blow Outs in Logan, UT
For maximum protection from the harsh winters in Logan, UT, you should blow out your sprinkler system. Greenscapes has trained technicians to complete your sprinkler blow outs, helping keep you safe and preserve your system. We will use compressed air to remove all water from your pipes and sprinkler heads. After we have turned off your irrigation water supply and closed the compressor valve, we will attach the air compressor blow-out adapter to its fitting and force air through your pipes until they are empty. This is a delicate process that we will monitor closely, ensuring there is not extreme pressure on any component. We will almost certainly need to blow out your sprinkler system zone by zone rather than with one push. Failure to blow out your sprinkler system entirely can result in cracked pipes or broken components due to frozen, expanded water.
Call Greenscapes for Sprinkler System Winterization Today
As the temperatures start to fall, ahead of the first hard winter freeze, it is imperative that you winterize and blow out your sprinkler system in Logan, UT. Greenscapes can help you protect your irrigation system and ensure it is fully operational when spring returns. Do not ignore your better judgment and simply drain your pipes. A complete blow-out is necessary to remove all of the existing water and guarantee your system’s protection. Contact us today to schedule your sprinkler system winterization and blow out.